Saturday, 2 September 2017

A Scottish Travel Diary: Skye

If you ever find yourself with a few days spare in Scotland and want to make the most of them I always say - GO TO SKYE! It is one of the most beautiful islands in my opinion and has everything - a lot of small towns and villages, beautiful scenery, historical sights and a real Scottish feel.

The view South of Portree
On my visit I stayed in Portree - the islands main town. We stayed in the Youth Hostel on the town square which was super comfy and welcoming to students! Previously, my family have rented a house for a week looking out to the Bay in Portree. 

Some highlights I would recommend visiting:

Cafe Arriba - Portree
I've been for breakfast a couple of times and it is such good value! The atmosphere is lovely and peaceful and the cafe is also dog-friendly! 

Fairy Pools - Glen Brittle
Another lovely tourist attraction! Be warned, the car park is extremely busy especially in tourist season and be mindful to the environment around you as it wasn't build for such a huge audience.

Talisker Distillery - Carbost
The view across the Bay in Portree
Take. The. Tour! It is so interesting to find out how Scottish Whisky is made and you get a taste at the end if you're above the age of 18! It is a hidden luxury of Skye

Dunvegan Castle - Dunvegan
The historical home of the Clan MacLeod. Learn more about Scottish Clan history particularly the MacLeods' and their significance in the Outer Hebrides. 

Clan Donald Centre - Armadale
A centre explaining about the significance of the Clan Donald. It is worth paying to get in here, not only is there lots of space to run around for children but there is plenty of information to interest them and adults!

To finish, a small fact: The Isle of Skye could fit everyone in the world standing side by side with some elbow space! I hope you've enjoyed this blog post and I've interested you in the world of Scottish islands! This is one of the more accessible islands as it has a bridge to the mainland for cars. That's all from me now - until next time x 

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